In my opinion, art should be capable of successfully communicating an artist’s unique individual feelings and emotions to his or her audiences. Art is about finding the Self and the discovery of self-honesty. The long journey of art is searching for self-portraits along the way of living. In the time when one’s inner world is constantly under pressure and demands of the increasingly materialistic society, art should aim at making us more humane. It should clean us of the dust of the materialistic world.
“The modern artist, it seems to me, is working and expressing an inner world- in other words- expressing the energy, the motion, the other inner forces” (Jackson Pollock)
I paint what I feel – not what my eyes see. The artworks presented here today express the feelings I have lived though. The artworks that you see are not about a particular painting technique or about how good the artist is at it. They are neither about leaving an impression on you. What these artworks truly are about is the emotions and their expression.
Appling line action at this stage is a pure reflection of the artist’s soul. Since the handwriting is personal, the simplicity of the line makes it a very powerful representation of our feelings. No wonder that our handwritings can tell when we are tired or energetic.
Using the colour field accompanied by music helps the artist recall his feelings and, in this way, live through the emotions connected to a specific memory from the past one more time. Guiding the artist’s hand, the music thus becomes an orchestra conductor of the artist’s work, while the artwork becomes the song of the hand. In this moment, I believe, the artist meets the Self and discovers the self-honesty. This is my experience which I am delighted to share with you today. Meet the self-honesty floating on the surface.